More ideas, more tips, and more fun as Kate and Rick share Part II of what they are cooking while sheltering in place. From a meal made from a fridge clean out, to peanut noodles, to a super tasty Indian meal. One of them may have eaten all the pandemic snacks in the first week, and one of them may have eaten oats several years old. Also, daily salad variations and egg bites. And macaroons! There are macaroons!







You Won’t Believe What I Ate Last Night is the ongoing conversation by Kate DeVore and Rick Fiori about their endeavor to be and stay healthy in a really tasty world with kindness and compassion towards themselves and others. Perfect if you are interested in: food,eating,diet,weightloss,weightmanagement,health,fitness,compassion,kindness,meditation,mindfulness,humor,comedy,friendship,weight gain,foodie,podcasts,healthy eating.