Previous Episode: Fashion Buyer
Next Episode: Digital Marketer

We chat with Jono about life as a UX designer and a Product Manger. Two careers that have been born out of the tech revolution, UX design is becoming more and more important as we move to an increasingly digital world, people want to use Apps, websites, etc that are built with the user in mind and the ones that don't will be left behind. Another aspect of this world is Product management, creating software etc now requires so many different aspects and people with different skill sets, which means it all needs to be brought together by someone who understands the whole process and can help to bring the product together.  Two really interesting careers covered by Jono who gives so much great advice about getting started in either of these careers. We also chat about Jono's brilliant website which explains one thing a week in a sketch, its brilliant and you could spend hours looking through it. A real pleasure to chat with Jono.