Previous Episode: Branding

We chat with Parul Singh about life as a Tech Recruiter. This is honestly a must Listen if you are thinking about getting into recruitment, Parul gives such an honest account of the industry both its positives and negatives. Recruitment is not for everyone but its also not necessarily just the extroverts that can thrive in the industry which i must admit has always been my perception of the industry, Parul helped me to understand the industry in its entirety which is really hard to do in 30 minutes! if you are thinking about getting into the industry and want to know about useful skill sets or how to get started this is the episode for you. We also chat about the Tech industry and what its like to recruit in the space at the moment, as well as toughing on Parul's ADHD advocacy and learning to code! A pleasure to have Parul on the podcast.  

A few links that were mentioned on the podcast;  

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