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We chat with Andrew about life as a stand up comedian and Presenter. Andrew is such a brilliant example of someone who has worked incredibly hard and grabbed every opportunity with both hands. Having applied for an apprenticeship at BT, Andrew worked his way up the ladder to become a presenter and host his own show "what i wore" where he interviews football players about their lives and careers. None of this came easily, Andrew gave up his weekends to go into the studio and shadow others to learn more about the whole industry and creative process within the world of TV, if you are thinking about getting into TV or digital production this is a must listen. If you work super hard and go above and beyond what is expected of you, you can achieve your goals. Andrew had to compete against thousands of applicants to even get his foot in the door at BT but he knew what he wanted and worked to get there. Andrew is also a keen stand up comic and gives loads of great advice about getting a start in that industry as well. A real pleasure to chat with someone so passionate about working hard and not always taking the traditional route.