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We chat with Shoaib Ahmed about working in the personal branding industry. We talk about how to get into the industry, what an average day looks like, as well as the future of the industry as a whole. We have had a few different guests on to discuss personal branding because as our regular listeners will know, we constantly bang on about the importance of building something other than a CV, be that a portfolio of your work showcased on social media or being able to show perspective employers a side project you have been working on. This can all come under personal branding and Shoaib brilliantly breaks down the industry and how you can start implementing some key lessons to help build your own personal brand, its the future of employees as well as employees, and will from a huge part of companies business development plans in the coming years. There is an old saying that is still as true today as ever, "People buy from people." A pleasure to chat with Shoaib