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We chat with Emma about life as an Osteoarchaeologist. Osteoarchaeology is the scientific study of human skeletons excavated from archaeological sites. There are two main aspects to Emmas work, those being field work which involves uncovering remains and lab work which involves the anthropologic study of the remains found. Osteoarchaeologist's can tell an incredible amount of information about an individual by studying their bones such as demography, health, disease, diet, stature as well as migration of populations. We chat about the Importance of networking and getting as much field work experience as possible to help yourself stand out from the crowd when job hunting. We also talk about the importance of developing analytical skills, as working with Data becomes an ever more important part of the career, as well as what an average day is like in the industry, the positives, the negatives and what you could expect to earn in the career. If you have an interest in History and a desire to uncover the past by piecing the story back together with your discoveries then this sounds like the career for you! A real pleasure to chat with Emma.