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We chat with Daniel Toker about life as a Neuroscientist. Daniel is a post doctoral scientist at UCLA, researching states of unconsciousness, with the hope of understanding what is going on in the brain when we are unconscious, and how we could apply this knowledge to help people who may be in a vegetative state to wake up. Daniel developed an interest in the brain and how it worked from his early teenage years, but he didn't think he would end up being a scientist, instead Daniel had his eye on the creative world, but as you will hear after Daniel read "The Cosmos" by Carl Sagan it changed his view point and led him down the path of scientific enquiry. Daniel approaches neuroscience with a mix of theory and experiment, whereas most in Neuroscience approach the subject in an experimental way, we chat about what this involves such as planning research projects, caring out experiments, Chaos Theory, writing code, developing scientific tools for experimentalists, and further developing our understanding of the brains complex chemical processes. We also talk about our own experiences at school and how we can sometimes think we are no good at a subject when in fact we just aren't excited by the way we are learning it, and it is not until you can apply the knowledge you have learnt to a real world problem that you suddenly find your understating and interest in the subject increase. A really interesting chat  with loads of great information on the subject, if you are interested in Neuroscience make sure to check out Daniels website A real pleasure to chat with Daniel.