We’ll be taking a break after this episode. We need to regroup, plan out what the future of this show looks like, and build up our team. We invite any/all of you who are interested in helping out in any sort of way on the show to reach out to us! We’d love to have you!!

We want to thank you for a great summer. This show couldn’t be where it is now without, of course, YOU. Thank you for your continued feedback, positivity, and support!

We wish you a great start to this historic new school year. Take care, and we’ll see you soon!

EMAIL US!- [email protected]
Thank you to ‘Your Arlington’ for supplying the resources for all news this week!

Jam’n Java Open Mic Night Sign Ups: https://www.yourarlington.com/events/14026-jam-20.html
Arlington Postal Strike:
Hybrid Reopening Dispute:
Written and Produced by Sam Dieringer
Edited by Dan Gorbunov
Intro Song by ‘Gym Class’

Thank you so much to each of the participants in this episode’s student panel!
Anoushka Oke ’21
Connor Rempe ’21
Sarah Nascimento ’22
Belen Sanchez Mathews ’24

A BIG Thank you to this week’s featured musical artist, AHS Alumnus…
Ben Horsburgh ’19!
He supplied an original cover of “Agape” by the band, “Bear’s Den”.

Subscribe to him on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/iheartMagic100/featured
Stream his music on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2N7WtoocdgTzClF9kIE9Ev?si=ewg9jEY0QICADpFqKQcnJQ
Thank you to ACMi for supplying all necessary equipment and resources for this show.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this video do not necessarily reflect the policy or position of Arlington High School or ACMi.
Segment Time Stamps