The hosts of We Stan Together, Caitlin Bitzegaio (@caitorade) and Lauren Brickman (@laurenabrickman), join me to talk about Colin's third movie Get Over It (2001). This is a star-studded cast with an amazing musical within the movie that needs to be a real musical. Also, we need a Netflix spinoff series based around Martin Short's character. Hello, Netflix. You listening? Let us know what you think! Also, I quiz Caitlin and Lauren to see who their dream date from Get Over It would be. 

There's no message this week, but if you'd like to be a part of the next "Call-In Colin," call ‪(805) 622-9667‬ & Hanks for listening!

Theme Music by Zach Olsen (@realzacholsen)
Artwork by Matt Czap (@mattczap)

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