Iulian Circo is a former human-rights lawyer who has worked with a lot of NGOs and initiatives in both Africa and Asia, even working in conflict areas. He's more recently become a social entrepreneur as he is passionate to bring market forces into the mix to make the world more sustainable.

His company - Proof of Impact - utlilises blockchain technology to measure the positive impact of various world problems - including climate change, health, sustainability or pollution.

We went into a lot of interesting topics such as why we are creating a new economic framework for the world, how the young generation is forcing businesses to become purpose-driven, how impact can be measured within companies or how we need to create frameworks to measure the externalities of companies in a comparable way. Finally, we dove deep into Proof of Impact to better understand his project.

It might be tricky to understand what Proof of Impact does for those who are not that aware of blockchain technology, but the phrase that Iulian said that stuck with me is that they are bringing "liquidity into impact", essentially creating financial products that bring investments into measurable actions that make a change for the better (such as reducing child mortality rates, cleaning plastic off of beaches or installing solar panels on houses).


3:07 - Iulian's Background & The Generational Shift We're Experiencing

6:38 - How Will Companies Of The Future Differ From The Present Ones

14:07 - How Do You Measure Impact For Purpose-Driven Businesses

17:10 - The Evolution Of Macro Trends In Business Over The Past 40 Years

19:40 - How Should Companies Measure Their Negative Externalities

21:38 - What Does Proof Of Impact Do?

28:10 - How Proof Of Impact Could Facilitate A Reduction In Child Mortality Rates (In A Measurable Way)

34:28 - Why Blockchain Should Work In The Background

40:06 - Business vs Science vs Politics vs Society

45:32 - How Society Influences Everything


Iulian's Twitter Profile - https://twitter.com/i_circo

Proof Of Impact Website - https://www.proofofimpact.com/

Proof Of Impact Twitter - https://twitter.com/proofofimpact

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