Some pediatric experts firmly direct moms to never put an infant in an adult bed. This generic, “one-size-fits-all” message puts many babies in potentially more dangerous or life-threatening situations.For most of human history, mothers have effectively combined co-sleeping and breastfeeding to provide for their babies’ social, psychological, and physical needs.

Yet, some pediatric experts firmly direct moms to never put an infant in an adult bed. This generic, “one-size-fits-all” message, and the powerful public health campaigns used to reinforce it, not only frighten parents, but also put many babies in potentially more dangerous or life-threatening situations

Dr. James J. McKenna says that “safe co-sleeping arrangements can actually help protect infants from SIDS or other sleep-related deaths, which are twice as likely to occur for infants sleeping in separate rooms from their parents.”

Listen as Dr. McKenna joins Dr. Roizen to share insights from his new book, Safe Infant Sleep: Expert Answers to Your Co-sleeping Questions, and explain why co-sleeping can be a safe, healthful approach.

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