Seventy percent of people have never, or rarely, considered a clinical trial as an option.Clinical trials are essential to public health. Behind every new drug or other treatment option is a comprehensive study period that involves both medical researchers and volunteers. 

But, statistics reveal that 70 percent of people have never, or rarely, considered a clinical trial as an option.

Some of the reluctance may have to do with myths or misunderstandings. Questions that may deter participants include:

Why should I do it?
Are there side effects?
Will participation disrupt my job and affect my health coverage?
How far will I need to travel?
Will I receive the results of my clinical trial?

Ken Getz, founder of the Center for Information and Study on Clinical Research Participation (CISCRP), is working to turn participation numbers around. His book, THE GIFT OF PARTICIPATION: A Guide to Making Informed Decisions About Volunteering for a Clinical Trial, offers crucial information on what to expect, where to find trials, and questions to ask.

Listen as Ken joins Dr. Roizen to discuss clinical trials and provide more clarity to this life-changing and often life-saving option.

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