The "secondhand effect" isn't limited to just tobacco use.We've all heard of secondhand smoke and how damaging it can be to those who are exposed.

The "secondhand effect" isn't limited to just tobacco use. According to a a research project titled "Alcohol’s Harms to Others Among U.S. Adults: Individual and Contextual Effects," led by Katherine Karriker-Jaffe and Thomas K. Greenfield, being exposed to someone who has been drinking also has negative consequences.

Some of those consequences include financial problems, property damage/vandalism, physical harm/aggression, harassment, and driving-related harm. The negative effects might result from a one-time incidence with a stranger or repeated harm within a family unit. Children are especially at risk for experiencing long-term harm if they are routinely victims of secondhand drinking. 

Listen as Dr. Karriker-Jaffe joins Dr. Roizen to discuss the study and its findings.

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