While children living with neurodifferences have certain struggles, their parents also have a rough journey.At least one in five kids are in some way not neurotypical, meaning they live with ADHD, dyslexia, Asperger’s, giftedness, anxiety, sensory processing disorder, and other neurodifferences. 

While these children have certain struggles with these differences, their parents also have a rough journey. 

Debbie Reber's son is "twice exceptional," as he has ADHD, Asperger’s, and is also highly gifted. She used her own experiences in his developmental process to create her company, TiLT Parenting.

A "tilt" is a way for parents to reframe a way of thinking about both their child's journey, as well as their own -- and also help their children along the way.

Debbie joins Dr. Roizen to share insights from her book, Differently Wired: Raising an Exceptional Child in a Conventional World, and to explain more about the 18 different tilts she includes in the book.

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