The bestselling author of the Wheat Belly books brings his next big, game-changing idea – how the human microbiome is evolving, and potentially wrecking, our health, and how we can fix it.

In his latest book SUPER GUT: A Four-Week Plan to Reprogram Your Microbiome, Restore Health, and Lose Weight, Dr. William Davis shares an action plan for how we can replace essential microbes lost from the modern microbiome while eliminating the “bad ones” that cause small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, SIBO, and small intestinal fungal overgrowth, SIFO, overgrowth of microbes that essentially hijack human health.

Dr. Davis’ roadmap includes his unique method of yogurt fermentation that allows the reader to cultivate specific microbes to obtain specific benefits—just like ordering off the menu at a restaurant, allowing readers to pick and choose their benefits—as well as a daily menu of 40 other gut-fixing recipes, in addition to his first-ever home diagnostic toolkit that can help anyone struggling with bowel blues to avoid expensive and complicated bloodwork and other tests.