Instead of aiming for perfection (impossible) or changing everything at once (hard and never leads to lasting change), Gin Stephens' new book Clean(ish): Eat (Mostly) Clean, Live (Mainly) Clean and Unlock Your Body’s Natural Ability to Self-Clean cuts through the confusion and fear, showing how to lower your toxic load through small changes, smart swaps, and simple solutions, while still living an enjoyable lifestyle. The ish makes it doable.

Beyond looking at the harm that chemical additives in foods do to us, Gin explains how many of the personal care items and cleaning products we use are full of toxic chemicals, wreaking havoc on our health, often by decreasing the diversity of our gut microbes. Tips for simplifying cleaning products and homemade cleaners help reduce exposure to these toxins.

Gin is a New York Times bestseller and intermittent faster. In this episode, she joins Dr. Roizen to talk about her new book which comes out today! (1/4/22)