The global workforce has a busyness problem. We’re overworked, overwhelmed, and operating at breakneck speeds. Every space on our calendars is filled to the brim, with no minute to spare and no moment left un-maximized. Urgency is the norm and immediacy is the gold standard. It’s no wonder that, as we emerge from the disruption of the pandemic and head back to the office, weary professionals are experiencing burnout like never before and 40 percent of workers globally are considering quitting their jobs.

For a workforce that was already fried and now completely burnt, continuing our current frantic work pace and pressure could have serious consequences for individuals and organizations alike.

With her new book, A Minute to Think, renowned speaker and executive advisor Juliet Funt presents a fundamental reimagining of how we approach work that meets the unique demands of the current moment.

She reveals the performance-enhancing power of the strategic pause -- periods of open, unscheduled time that allow us to think more wisely and creatively. These strategic pauses give our sparks of talent and contribution the oxygen they need to catch fire. When reinserted into our busy schedules, whether in short sips or long gulps, they can change the very nature of work.