If you want to live a high-performance life, you need to treat yourself like a high-performance vehicle! If you drove a Porsche or Ferrari, would you fill the tank with low-quality gasoline, take it off-roading, or leave it out in a hailstorm? 


If you want to live a high-performance life, you need to treat yourself like a high-performance vehicle! If you drove a Porsche or Ferrari, would you fill the tank with low-quality gasoline, take it off-roading, or leave it out in a hailstorm? Of course not! You'd buy premium motor oil and get the engine tuned! Why don't you treat yourself that way? The good news is that it is possible to boost your horsepower and performance!

Why Can’t I Keep Up Anymore?, is by award-winning practitioner, best-selling author, and frequent guest expert on ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox, Deborah Matthew, MD. Dr. Deb discusses stress-related physical, and sexual decline; the age-related decline of testosterone, and its impact on ED; the latest medical & non-medical, and nutritional treatments for sexual dysfunction; and the role of estrogen in a man’s life.

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