Dr. Jennifer Ashton—the Chief Medical Correspondent at ABC News covering breaking medical news for Good Morning America and GMA3: What You Need to Know—comes a doctor’s guide to finding resilience in the time of COVID while staying safe and sane in a rapidly changing world.

Dr. Jennifer Ashton—the Chief Medical Correspondent at ABC News covering breaking medical news for Good Morning America and GMA3: What You Need to Know—comes a doctor’s guide to finding resilience in the time of COVID while staying safe and sane in a rapidly changing world.

In March 2020, “normal” life changed, perhaps forever. In its place, we were confronted with life and routines that were unusual and different: the new normal.  As we’ve all learned since then, the new normal isn’t just about wearing masks and standing six feet apart—it’s about recognizing how to stay safe and sane in a world that is suddenly unfamiliar. And no one understands this evolving landscape better than Dr. Jennifer Ashton. As ABC’s Chief Medical Correspondent, Dr. Ashton has been reporting on the novel coronavirus daily, helping Americans comprehend the urgent medical updates that have shaped the nation’s continued response to this public health crisis.

Now in The New Normal, Dr. Ashton offers the essential toolkit for life in this unfamiliar reality. Listen as Dr. Ashton and Dr. Roizen catch up, reflect on the pandemic, and talk about what changes might stick around once we're out on the other side. 

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