You’re too sensitive. You’re overreacting. Grow a thicker skin. You take everything so personally.

We hear these comments all too often. There’s no denying sensitivity is surrounded by stigma. We discourage it in our children, judge it in our peers, and ultimately weaponize it in our relationships with colleagues and family members. While it’s not widely understood by the public, sensitivity is an essential human trait. In fact, nearly 1 in 3 people are highly sensitive individuals, and without them, we would not have the theory of evolution, the Declaration of Independence, or Netflix.

Jenn Granneman and Andre Sólo are the force behind the world’s largest online communities for sensitive people and introverts, Sensitive Refuge and Introvert, Dear. And they’re on a mission to break the negative stigma surrounding sensitivity in their forthcoming book, SENSITIVE (on sale 2/28), unveiling the hidden power of highly sensitive people (HSPs) in our loud, fast, and too-much world.

Weaving together actionable advice, relatable anecdotes, and the latest scientific research, SENSITIVE shows readers how leaning into their sensitivity can unlock a powerful “boost effect” to launch them ahead in life. Presenting the empowering idea that sensitivity gives you access to five distinct gifts, Granneman and Sólo offers the tools and insights you need to embrace this undervalued strength and leverage it across the most important areas of your life.

Through fascinating research and expert storytelling, SENSITIVE reveals:

A clear picture of what it really means to be sensitive and what strengths sensitive people bring to the world
Are you an HSP? A checklist of the most common characteristics of sensitive people
What makes the sensitive brain different — and how it’s wired to go deep
How the needs of sensitive people differ from those of less sensitive people
How to transform one of the misunderstood gifts of sensitive people—empathy—into a source of world-changing strength
The common misconceptions about sensitive children—and their secret advantage
The powerful traits of sensitive leaders, who are often the most effective leaders of all