Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) is an innovative mind-body therapy that empowers clients to resolve traumatic memories through a combination of relaxation techniques and memory visualization.

Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) is an innovative mind-body therapy that empowers clients to resolve traumatic memories through a combination of relaxation techniques and memory visualization.

Dr. Diego Hernandez was the clinical director for a study on complicated grief and accelerated resolution therapy (ART) published this summer in the American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine.

Study participants who underwent ART found a 57% reduction of symptoms of complicated grief, a 70% reduction in symptoms of PTSD, and a 50% reduction in symptoms of depression.

Dr. Hernandez talks to Dr. Roizen this episode about the complications of grief, getting through, as well as a deeper dive into the neurological research behind grieving. 

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