That's what we wondered when we first saw it.  What in the world could gardening have to do with guns.  Well let me start with that brief but kind of fun story. 

And then I received a very strange greeting but I think I was smart enough to catch it right away.  Well not right away but pretty soon.  Yes, my dear friend wished me all the best on the next journey that I would be taking around the sun.

This is indeed a special day and I was motivated to do something very different. In fact I had never done it before in terms of this special red plate day.  That comes from the fact that in our home our children would have a big bright red plate on their very special day.

And you probably have caught on by now that I am celebrating a pretty significant day and I did something that I believe will be very helpful for me and I pass on the idea to you.

Because I want good things to come your way on your job life and journey around the sun.