Of course the past is gone, the present is right here, but the mess is one that we cannot do very much about.  The leadership that we have in so many organizations and institutions continues to make life difficult for all of us except those who are fortunate enough to be perhaps very wealthy.  But with the rising lawlessness in the land even they are not safe anymore.

So the motto and the directions that we need to have are very simple, looking forward.  So I challenge you with that,and revisit one of the key success and critical success factors in life and that is to seek to be in live as one of the select 3%.  And so I will mention that today but further explanation will follow.

However it is time to remind ourselves that there are more important things than having all the good things and so there is a old story from an old book that can remind us the performance we give in difficult times and in bad situations it's not dependent on anything outside of us.

So let me tell you about SOS!

