Well Jesus is back and now he continues to raise a ruckus and cause trouble in Jerusalem, and the powers that be are being threatened by that not only because he has a great deal of popular support he seems to almost be fearless and right in their face.

They try to catch him and harass him and ask him who does he think he is and where does he get his authority and credibility and his power. And he gives it right back to them, keeping them off balance, and demonstrating that he's probably even smarter than they are,

So right now he begins to demonstrate the truth that will be confirmed later in the week, indeed this is Jesus and he is The One!

Well Jesus is back and now he continues to raise a ruckus and cause trouble in Jerusalem, and the powers that be are being threatened by that not only because he has a great deal of popular support he seems to almost be fearless and right in their face.

They try to catch him and harass him and ask him who does he think he is and where does he get his authority and credibility and his power. And he gives it right back to them, keeping them off balance, and demonstrating that he's probably even smarter than they are,

So right now he begins to demonstrate the truth that will be confirmed later in the week, indeed this is Jesus and he is The One!