Whether we went, whether we ran away, whether we dodged and got deferred or maybe we just weren't qualified in someway, the era of the Vietnam war affected almost every young man in America in some way.

Millions of them went to the war and many thousands died in the war.  Many were deeply and profoundly injured in the war and some were damaged in such ways that life just went profoundly wrong for them in so many ways.  And in some ways those poor folks are really the victims because they didn't get their name on the wall but in many ways the war had taken their life anyhow.

And now many people have forgotten or didn't know that the world famous and almost universally loved memorial was very controversial when it was first proposed and then when it was first built. Many thought it was a terrible idea.  May I tell you that story.

Thankfully in that case the people in charge stood by their decision and it turned out to be a transforming work of genius.  Let me tell you why it is so profoundly significant and transforming and what perhaps we can even learn from the wall itself.

That will be my story for this weekend and when I go to the memorial indeed I know that I will cry.
