Well once again the news here in the USA is about former President Donald Trump and that he has now been indicted the third time, with a possible fourth on the line.  Obviously the nation is divided over that with some people calling it a political hit job and a fraud, and of course there are others who believe that it's finally some accountability and the Donald Trump is getting what he deserves.

Well it will be an interesting drama ... But I'm going to be so bold to suggest something that I think is quite obvious, Donald Trump will be OK.  He may not win the presidency but he will have a following and a loyal audience of millions no matter what, and no he will not land up in jail.  That won't happen.

So let me make my point but then on a related and Segue point may I quote Maya Angelou who in many ways knows part of the secret to Donald Trump's continuing success, and she also knows something that you can learn if you're trying to build a life and a business that makes a difference.

Yes today some lessons from Donald Trump and Maya Angelo and me!

