I might be imagining it but wasn't there a TV program once called Who or Whom do you trust?  As I said I don't know it might be a figment of my elderly imagination but unfortunately the question is more relevant today than ever.

Who in government, media, academia, entertainment, major corporations, even unfortunately in our religious institutions ... Well of course the answer is that most of us don't trust a whole bunch of those situation's and institutions.  And that's a problem because the only thing that keeps society somewhat from coming apart is that you do have the ability or at least some inclination to trust somebody to do something and to do it right.

So with that in mind I want you to hear about my personal radio station WDKT and why it's important to know it and listen to it and repeat it and now we wait another 48 hours before we make any comment about Donald Trump...  

Remember to practice the 72 hour rule.

