It's another Friday flowing into the weekend of a very significant weekend that we call the Easter celebration.  And that celebration is about a claim that certainly qualifies for a transformation,  and this is another interesting ideas program specializing in the ongoing Transformation Project Podcast.

 Today I would like to talk about a challenging mentor who often sought to help me with all of my new ideas and projects and ways that I wanted to change things and do things.  He asked the question that all of us should answer from time to time and maybe all the time about what we believe say do or seek to accomplish ... Does it matter?  Will it make a difference?  Will it do good? Will it help somebody else besides you?

So if you'll give me just a few minutes today on this be still silent Saturday to take time to think about what is happening and what we are doing in the life we are living right now.  Will it lead to a better life for me and for those I love and even for others that I don't even know starting now?

Then you might be in transformation territory!