"Steve we have to hear your story! " That's what I recently said to my friend Steven Lear when I found out that he had just recently returned on a trip from Israel.  Steve and I have known each other for a number of years and I always knew that he was thoughtful and well informed as well as very good at the work he did.

I also knew that he was a good teacher even though he probably would not call himself that.  But he is, and whenever something in the Middle East happened, which happens a lot, I knew that if I wanted to understand what was going on that I would not necessarily listen to all the stuff on the news, but that Steve often times knew the real story and perhaps had some ideas about what needs to be done.

And now we know that the war continues on and is at a pivot and turning point, so I asked if Steve would take this time to give us some thing to think about, and not just some interesting ideas, but some challenges.

That's what he does so please listen. You need to hear this!

Please be informed that the views expressed in this program are those of Steven Lear personally. They do not reflect the views or opinions of any government agency or institution or of Affiance Financial.

