Chronic exhaustion and burnout can hit complete with panic attacks, seemingly coming out of nowhere. The answer at first for health seems to be medical doctors, and we can seek out all the opinions when in truth we know in our gut we have to make change to stop running on empty. The panic attacks can be painful, and really are our wake up calls.

So as highly motivated women, we have to look at the lens differently. Wellbeing coach Sarah Sperry was working in the male-dominated field of finance when she hit her burnout. The problem she was having was shared by lots of women, but the company benefits were box-checking (under the guise of great services). She had never heard of burn out before until it came up on her Bloomberg terminal. She read the article, gobbled up some books and researched the condition. She was ultimately self-diagnosing. No doctor had asked her about her stress levels!

Women in male dominated fields who are “the only” face unconscious bias and toxic work environments contribute to the burn out. They can't seek out other women in leadership roles to have counsel because they feel alone. Luckily, they can hire someone like Sarah to help them through these signs of burnout.

Join me as I coach Sarah through her book idea. We debate what kind of  book she could write and the how to/self-help model to tell about the stories she hears from women could ultimately give them a new path in six steps. Women need to author a new code for living in business so they can feel not so alone, and have other solutions.

You can learn more about Sarah at

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I have written a  book!  Check out No Longer Denying Sexual Abuse: Making The Choices That Can Change Your Life. I also have a 21 week series Abused No Longer.

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