Margot, like many of us seeking healing after we have lost ourselves, found the enneagram after a second divorce from someone who was abusive. She had to work on quieting the inner critic in her mind, and found the enneagram to be transformative in all her relationships including her family.


Margot Burns ran me through an enneagram coaching session and I was blown away by the assessment of my personality and what I am driven by.  While one hour is really quick to do a full evaluation, Margot knew the exact questions to ask to direct me to really express and hone in on my personality and what drives me. She has been doing this teaching and coaching for a long time, but she bases what she asks by seeking freedom. In my typing interview, I identified as a leader and protector.  She asked me how it was for me to be vulnerable.  Not easy… but as a Type 8 if I soften that energy and slow down and listen, I can benefit.


The Three Triads - thinking, heart and the body  - make up the nine personality types and it is almost eerily accurate in identifying patterns for people. Of course there is some initial resistance to any personality assessment (can you say Scientology?) but I didn’t get any of that energetically with the ancient practice of the enneagram. 


Margot is a part of the Enneagram prison project, training to be a guide.  People inside taking the program and coming out are benefiting from this work. She coaches a man released from prison after 23 years incarcerated.  There are a whole crew of coaches who help these folks when they come out.  They have turned their whole lives around because of this healing system. 


She wants to write a book about finding herself and the journey back to her own essence, as well as the people who supported her along the way. 

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