What would it take to reinvent plastic? Ambition, a highly creative and skilled team, and the guts to go for it.

It’s news to no one that we have a plastic problem. It’s used for everything, but its end-of-life process is one we would rather not think about. However, turning a blind eye to the issues that it’s causing has not worked, nor will it. What needs to happen is a reinvention of both plastic and our mindset on how to use it. Thankfully, companies like Notpla are way ahead of us, already able to provide a solution for single-use items that are used quickly and discarded just as fast. With us this week to help breakdown our current reality as well as the positive steps being taken to alter the course of our future is Pierre Paslier, Co-founder and Co-CEO of Notpla. Join us as we talk about why plastic is a go-to product, what mindset shifts need to occur, and how their disappearing packaging is setting a precedent for what the future will look like.

Learn more about Notpla: https://notpla.shop