What role does nutrition play when it comes to the future of healthcare? Currently, nutrition has a small place in general healthcare practice. But that’s about to change. This week, we sat down with Dr. Michael Klaper to explore this topic in-depth. Bringing with him his experience in surgery, anesthesiology and orthopedics, Dr. Klaper’s journey to understanding the link between nutrition and the devastating illnesses plaguing society was one full of twists and turns. With it brought an entirely new lens from which he views health, and his mission is to provide the knowledge he’s accumulated to those soon to be dealing directly with patients: medical students. We discuss the importance of integrating nutrition into the medical education system, how Covid has impacted his Moving Medicine Forward Initiative and how a care-based medicine could become our reality.

Learn more about Dr. Klaper and Moving Medicine Forward: https://www.doctorklaper.com