In this series titled "S.I.N.G.L.E.N.E.S.S." every week we discuss ways to actively grow in your single season. I don't know about you but I am tired of sitting around wasting away while I wait for my single season to end. Yall, it's time. We weren't just put on this earth to wait for someone. Our assignment on this earth is wayyyy bigger than that

Join me and my "Special Guest" every week as we talk practical ways to set ourselves up for success so that our relationships with others are healthy and yield good fruit.


Episode Notes:

The blog where I got the “44- Self Discovery Questions” 


The list of ways we can develop awareness

1. Get in God's word.

2. Recognize your strengths and weaknesses

3. Monitor yourself talk

4. Set Boundaries for yourself and others

5. Practice Saying No!!!

6. Question your decisions.

7. Ask yourself if your actions, thoughts, or emotions align with your internal standards

Briana's instagram and Youtube Info: @powerofcare

Janae's Instagram Info: @janaenperry


Love Yall,
