“I was diagnosed with ITP, an autoimmune disease, the weekend before my husband and I got married. Literally, I spent the weekend before our wedding in the hospital.”

Nicole lives in Indiana with her teacher husband and her two-and-a-half-year-old toddler son. I had no idea what her story was, and when she shared her story, I was so impressed with her determination, her positive energy, and drive to create such a fulfilling life for herself and her family.

She talks about her diagnosis and how she also had to have a planned c-section due to a placenta previa.

“… it was a whole difference experience. It was scheduled, we went into it, I climbed onto a table, and they put me out. That was never ever how I picture how I would have my child.”

Now she runs her own social-media and coaching business centered around helping chiropractors market their practices. She’s able to work from home, set her own schedule while taking care of her family, and having a full-on life.

“I knew I didn’t want to go back to that, but I really had no career plan. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, I knew I didn’t want to work nights and weekends anymore, and I knew I wanted more for my son.”

With a background in technology and sales, she asked her aunt, who is a chiropractor, if she could help promote their practice. After searching and brainstorming, she found her calling in marketing and social media for the chiropractic industry. After meeting the CEO of Vitalogics, she hit the ground running and took her business by storm.

Then, last year, after finding herself doing too much and overwhelmed, she was diagnosed with Lupus, another autoimmune disease.

“The hours that he was at daycare, is where I was like, I have to get the most out of this. I need to make sure it’s worth my time. But it turned out to be a negative. I was to the point where I really wasn’t even stopping to make lunch.”

Through this diagnosis, and finding her balance, listening to her body, she is now thriving and her priorities are much clearer for herself, her husband, and her son.

She talks about how she knew she wanted to create something bigger for herself, being empowered, with freedom and control of herself and her life.

“My grandpa was an entrepreneur, my aunt was an entrepreneur, I wanted to be in control. Being a wife and a mom, I knew I needed to be in control. I’m the type of person who goes 200 miles an hour straight forward until I plow into a wall. And then I take a step back and put the pieces back together and I realize the best map and the best route I need to go.”

Tune in to listen to Nicole’s impressive story being challenged by her health, and putting her passion and drive into achieving what she wants.

And she says she’s only at the beginning.
