Previous Episode: Average to Greatness

We all have the space that is very comfortable to us... AKA ... (enter dramatic music) THE COMFORT ZONE! Why is this space horrible for us and how do you destroy it so we never get stuck there again? That's this weeks topic!  
Comfort Zone  = feel safe and in control. Hide from all fears.   
Fear Zone = The first zone that lives outside the walls of your comfort zone. Here is where we find all the excuses to stay where we are. Fear and anxiety live aggressively in this zone.  Most of the fear is fear of others opinions of you. This zone knocks you down and you lack self confidence. 
Learning Zone  =  Here is where you begin to make progress, acquire new skills, deal with challenges head on.  
Growth Zone =  Set new goals, find your purpose, realize aspirations, dream, and LIVE!! 
