Previous Episode: Pressing UpWard
Next Episode: Knowing GOD’S Will

Transforming Perspective: Conversation about acknowledging and trusting God’s sovereignty in the world and Not becoming agitated with evildoers or envious of unjustly gains.

David, was anointed King of Israel by God when he was 17 and suffered greatly because of mistreatment from the people’s choice, King Saul.

During a period of preparation, David grew in strength experiencing God’s mighty acts of deliverance and restoration.

Through suffering and hardships, David wrote messages of encouragement, Truths of God’s supreme power and authority, in prayers and songs of praise collected in the Book of Psalms.

In Psalms 37, David encourages us not to fret - become agitated or frustrated or angry, or retributive - because God’s justice and righteous judgement will prevail over all evil.

Biblical Principle: Remain prayerful, trusting that God is in control over our lives and the events in the world.

Old Testament Reference: Psalms 37
New Testament Reference: Gospel of Matthew Chapter 5 verses 1 through 12.