Chapter 120: “A Fleeting Moment”

To celebrate our one year anniversary, we made the insane decision to invite back all of our previous guests! We had to record 4 groups in 5 sessions to fit everyone in. The final podcast is 4.5 hours in length. Timestamps are below so people can pick and choose what they’d like to listen to. 

SoulMadness , @renannmhu/ichigosr5 and Polkka (u/Iamnormallylost)

3:54 General chapter impressions and discussion
19:21 Discussion about the PATHS Dimension, who has control of the Founding Titan power now and why the passage of time is different in that realm
38:42 Polkka’s "Super Ultra Mega" Fifth Quickfire round

Rune Lai, @ladymoe6LSJ, and Neetaku

48:23 General chapter impressions and discussion
51:22 Do we trust what Zeke is telling us about Ymir? Is it even Ymir or is it "Krista". Neet's first rant about how time travelling Eren did not appear in season one (1:17:13 ) Is this trip through memory lane impacting the past and future. Did Eren plant memories in Kruger's mind? Lots of Moses love and Reiner talk :)
1:38:11 Group 2 Quickfire

u/Qrowin-Shitposts , /u/_puppet_@reikukaja and u/alooulla 

1:52:22 General chapter impressions and discussion
1:56:25 Discussion of the opening pages, the head catch, the frozen battle and memory shatter. What is the best in-story explanation for the Caste on Titan easter egg? Ask from The Humble Servant on Twitter: Which Memory Shatter Panel is your personal favorite or most liked?
2:33:25 Group 3 Quickfire

@attackonmomlife, KennyH and u/DarthMewtwo 

2:39:45  General chapter impressions and discussion
2:42:36 Discussion of Zeke and Eren’s relationship and the Bruh Bruh moments. What were your feelings about Grisha before this chapter? Did this chapter change your feelings? Will Zeke seeing that Grisha transformed change anything? Is Eren coming out of this alive?
- Ask Kingsgrave on Twitter: Is Zeke Redeemable
- Ask from Mosab from Twitter: Eren is bezt mc ever what you think
3:25:32 Group 4 Quickfire

NEWS with 
3:32:48 Discussion about second half of the SNK Final Manga Event, what changed, what didn't. News about the accident at the factory that produced the large scale Titan Reiner and Eren Figurama

QA with Mom and Luna

3:50:36 Spicy asks from The Humble Servant about who our favorite and least favorite guests are, favorite and least favorite chapter discussions and what are some pet peeves you have of your co host?

4:13:37 Ask from Pollka: Ten chapters ago where did you see the story heading and how right or wrong where you?

4:17:28 What's your favourite crack theory or head canon?

4:18:58 Ask from Kingsgrave: Congrats on the year of podcasts, always the highlight of my month. Do y'all have plans for a podcast after Attack on Titan's manga and anime is over?

4:22:15 Podcast conclusion and thanks

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