Flying titans, a failed Talk no Jutsu , and OG Ymir magically appearing like a boss! Our guest is Tumblr meta writer Linkspooky. We hope you enjoy listening to our chapter 133 discussion. 

Episode Timestamps

0:00:00 Introduction
0:02:11 Chapter impressions
0:08:59 Bombs on a plane? What could go wrong.
0:14:57 Is there a chance that killing Zeke would affect the rumbling? 
0:18:30 "We are all the same." Wouldn't this be the perfect time to mention Bert?
0:26:46 Is Reiner correct that Eren wants to be stopped?
0:38:18 Mikasa or Reiner - who will stop Eren?
0:50:14 The failed talk no jitsu
1:00:00 What is up with Ymir???
1:13:46 What's up with Eren?
1:20:44 Is Eren willing to kill his friends?
1:28:22 Levi's extra finger - Mistake or no?

1:30:30 BREAK 

1:31:15 Falco the Flying Titan. Are we really surprised? 
1:32:58 Links theory: "The X-Men Limit"

Fandom perception of the new developments:
    1:37:14 Flying Titan
    1:40:43 Falco getting Zeke's memories
    1:44:54 Female Titan Powers
    1:55:34 Could Falco's dream be from Eren?
1:58:33 Meanwhile at Fort Salta
2:06:35 Ask from Shanto: where did Annie get her scream
2:10:10 Ask from Paris: Was the S2 OP an Easter Egg?
2:14:10 Ask from Minty: Optimstic or Nihilistic ending?
2:20:11 What would you like to see next chapter?
2:24:54 Polkka's Quickfire Round 
2:31:21 Thank you's and goodbyes

Links this chapter:

Our guest:
What Eren Wants:
Albert Kamus "The Fall":
Jungian Archetypes: