Maxo talks Lil Big Man, Def Jam giving him full creative control, and the power of timelessness

People always ask me how I find new music, and I can never really explain it. Finding Maxo was pure luck. A mere whisper in a Twitter thread amongst music journalists where someone said something along the lines of “Maxo’s new one is so good.” It was enough to barely pique my interest. Lil Big Man didn’t have a grand placement in the coveted “New Releases” section of your favorite streaming site, or any major playlist placements I’ve seen…it was just the modern version of word of mouth.

I pressed play on Lil Big Man, heard the floating lo-fi keys and gentle moaning vocal sample of “Time” and drifted back to a time of cheap headphones plugged into an old cassette deck, with the hiss of the tape warming my teenage soul. It felt like being running into an old friend, but realizing you’re both so much more grown up than when you last met. I love the tape, you can tell it’s recorded amongst friends, with an understanding and inherent comfort that lacks any pressure from outside forces pushing an agenda. Which made me all the more surprised to learn it was released by a major label.

Maxo is quick to smile and easy to talk to. A cool air of leadership and accountability follow him with every large stride of his tall lanky frame. He’s centered himself as the star player on a team of friends he’s had for years. He was able to continue working with the producers he started with even after signing to Def Jam, and rightly so as they’ve clearly learned to make a certain type of timeless magic together. Hear us discuss that timelessness, his signing, growing up in Southern California, and starting to rap a mere 3 years ago.


2:30: Being the middle child

5:10: Growing up in West LA

11:50: Developing your own taste

13:50: Pomona culture shock

16:20: Being a social butterfly

19:06: Starting to rap

20:40: What not to do on stage

23:15: Making music with your brother

31:32: Music around the house

33:00: Whatre you about

39:04: Smile

41:30: Navigating the industry

51:45: Hobbies