Previous Episode: Lucky #13!

With the World Series kicking off this week, we begrudgingly congratulate Matt on his correct prediction, with the Dodgers and Tampa. With Mookie Betts playing at his best, the Red Sox might have started another curse 100 years after trading the Big Bambino. 

Another Curse... the Big-10 returning this weekend with Maryland taking on a tough season, kicking it off with a game Northwestern. As always we are all predicting the worst with wins, keeping the team healthy, etc... We are all hoping for the best but expecting the worst. 

Ty Johnson is the light spot in this episode of curses, he had a wonderful game, his first on the field for the NY Jets gaining 42 yards total, making it a stand out performance in an otherwise depressing game. 

Remember to follow us on @JackYDK for more links to episodes and columns by Mike Burke!