Jen and I have a good healthy dose of REAL TALK in this episode.  We talked about how unrealistic expectations hold you back, feeling unworthy, anxiety, disordered eating, the perks of self-publishing, the benefit of a healthy perspective, and our relationship with Christ! There is something for everyone in this episode. Jen said something during the interview that I felt fit all of these topics under one umbrella, and it was the concept of already being seen, and being known.

Whether we acknowledge it or not there is a strong desire in each of us to be known. I know I have felt it and still do, but the truth is we are already known. We are already seen by our creator, and this is good news!  Holding this healthy perspective helps us to battle and conquer all of our struggles.

Jen says:

I was born and raised in New Jersey where I still live today with my husband, kids, and dog. In addition to this, I have been a special education teacher in the same school for over fifteen years now. While I have been writing my entire life, I started to work on this two part series, The Art of a Messy House, eight years ago. Then, after a time of fasting in 2019, I was prompted to let go of the past and “become who I needed when I was younger.” This turned my childhood wishes into my work and I started publishing. In addition to this, being a middle school English Language Arts teacher not only adds experience to my writing, but also passion to my purpose. My main mission in life is serving God. Inspired by my faith and love for my family and friends, I now live to bring positivity to others each day. So far, I have published How to Be Kind and How to Be Fearless, two books in The Art of the Messy House children’s part of the series. The Art of a Messy House is part of my mission to mainstream faith in a way that brings hope to others. After I was set free from decades of battling anxiety, anorexia nervosa, and depression, I promised never to stop sharing this joy and love with others as I learn to love my mess.

Connect with Jen!


Other Resources:

You Don't Have To Be Perfect by Vanessa Luu

Truth and Tools Workbook by Vanessa Luu

BRAND NEW The Relevant Old Testament by Vanessa Luu


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