Hello friends, I’m excited to present you with the audio version of You Don’t Have to Be Perfect 2nd edition. Part 1 will start now!

This book is definitely something to read if you want to grow in your spiritual walk. Many years of my life I struggled with "people pleasing" out of fear. In this book, it starts out with living in fear of what people think. It then moves how you can you scripture to fulfill God's plan for your life. I have learned recently that faith is always better then fear. We have to live in God's vision and not other people's vision. I would encouraged you to read this book if you struggle with identity in Christ. This is a book about the struggle being real, but learning to spend time in the Word to learn how the transition happens.❤ -Angela Osburn

In You Don’t Have to be Perfect, Vanessa gives an honest account of her struggle with perfectionism.  She explains how a real and true relationship with God and commitment to reading the Bible and living in faith every day helped her change her mindset and find her true identity in Christ.  One of my favorite quotes is this,  “And (the Bible) also proves that once we accept God's gift of Salvation through Jesus Christ, we get to walk through the rest of our lives, worthy, loved, and enough, hallelujah!” Isn’t that what we all want? Read this book and learn what true freedom from the bondage of our mind and our own limitations looks like, you will be glad you did. - Kylee Ghabour, elementary school teacher, mom

“Vanessa gives you a honest, personal, and inspiring account of her transition from perfectionism to grace. She lays out the specific steps she took to make Jesus real and intimate and invites you along. Every closet or self professed perfectionist must read this book!” -Michael Wolsten, author and speaker

Within these pages, Vanessa Luu takes an honest look at our need for perfection and how that can hinder us in our relationships and especially in our most important relationship of all, the one we have with Christ. She is transparent about her own personal struggles and how she has learned to see them as blessings. Vanessa addresses some common issues that can hinder us and points us to Scripture and prayer for the answers. Readers will find compassion and encouragement, as well as solid advice for letting go of unrealistic expectations of ourselves and others. -Roberta Thorndike, Joyful One Editing

While society deems perfection as an attainable accolade, Vanessa reminds us that God's loving nature has yet to require our mastery of life. In fact, if we trade our perfection for his grace, we win an immeasurable peace and reap an undeniable satisfaction that could only come from Perfection himself. You Don't Have to Be Perfect challenges us to do just that—to deny perfection in pursuit of a God who only requires love as access to infinite delight.

–Peyton Garland, author of Tired, Hungry, & Kinda Faithful, Where Exhaustion and Exile Meet God