Questions: 1. What do you believe about Jesus? 

I believe Jesus is the Son of God. He is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one can come to the Father except through Jesus. He is the reason I live, and I want to honor and glorify Him in all I do. He loves greater than anyone I've ever known, and all His ways are good. He's the Creator of the Universe and everything in it. He's all-knowing, all-powerful, the forever high priest who has taken away the world's sins for those who accept Him. He's even more than everything I just said.

2. How long have you been attending church? I've been attending church since I was an infant. I loved growing up in the church; I felt surrounded by love and beauty. But that changed for me in my adult years. And it's one of the reasons I pose this question today. Why do you go to church? I'm excited to hear everyone's answers who are willing to speak up. I've wanted to ask this for a long time because I believe there are many who show up to church out of habit but don't really have an intentional reason for being there.

3. Why do you go to church? I used to go to church because I loved the people, the music and the teachings. Now I go to church out of obedience. Yes, I'm being very candid here because this podcast is about authenticity. I believe Christians today are doing church wrong. They are not meeting with the intentions that God laid out for us in the New Testament. I believe God is using me to help the church return to its intended purpose.

4. Do you enjoy attending? I used to, and hopefully I will enjoy it again.


Other Resources:

You Don't Have To Be Perfect by Vanessa Luu

Truth and Tools Workbook by Vanessa Luu

The Relevant Old Testament by Vanessa Luu

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