Truth and Tools

Hello friends, today's episode kicks off the first episode of the series, What to Do When You're Tired. I'm your host, Vanessa Luu and I'm honored to be here with you today.

What should you do when you're tired?

Rest. And guess what, as much as you may not like that answer, it is the right answer. God created it for us! We know we need it, but we resist it. I still have to fight the shame monster at times just because I'm tired. Isn't it ridiculous that we feel guilty for needing rest? It's because we have been programmed to believe that to achieve greatness we have to power through and go above and beyond the norm. If we don't go above and beyond we might fall below the radar of a person who leaves a mark on this world…even a small mark.

It can be difficult to work "rest" into your life. Just like anything new, you might struggle with the transition (mentally more than physically) and from time to time you may have a full-blown freak out attack, but it's all okay.

So often, we don't even take enough time to think thoughts in full sentences, yet we continue to preach self-care! Self-care has a variety of definitions these days, so I don't often use that phrase. I often say things like, I need a break, or I need time to be still and know that God is God. Because that is what we need, my friend, filling our precious rest time without inviting God into it won't be fruitful.

Resting is essential to the abundant life we have in Christ. God knows we are human, and He knows we need rest. He even commands it.

"Therefore let us be diligent to enter that rest, so that no one will fall, through following the same example of disobedience." -Hebrews 4:11