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Inside today’s podcast, I have with me, Dr. Andrea Ganahl. Andrea is a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in anxiety. She teaches a four-week course on reducing anxiety at churches, women's groups, and college campuses. Andrea is also a writer. Her first book, Victory Over Anxiety: Taking our Anxious Thoughts Captive, will be available in June. She has written for Focus on The Family magazines, Brio, and Clubhouse Jr. I’m honored to have her here today because I’ve been blessed by her online ministry called Anxiety Breakers.

Thank you so much for taking the time to be with us here today.

What inspired you to be a clinical psychologist and help people with their anxiety and depression?
I’m sure everyone listening, including myself, would love to hear about how you help your clients. Can you share with us a little bit about your work?
You’ve shared with me that one of your struggles is trusting God with your kids. Can you tell us a little bit about what that looks like and how you manage the worry?
I know you have your first book coming out in just a couple of months. What is your goal for this book?
How can we support you and stay connected to your journey?

Email Dr. Ganahl at [email protected]

Or visit her website

Follow her on IG: @anxietybreakers

Find her on FB at


To Support 

Other Resources:

You Don't Have To Be Perfect by Vanessa Luu

Truth and Tools Workbook by Vanessa Luu
