Inside today’s podcast, I welcome back Jennifer Holmes. Jennifer is a wife, mom, Christian School music teacher, and writer who also happens to have Bipolar II.  She’s exploring how mental health and faith intersect and invites you to share that journey and that is why I have invited her back here today. It's been on my heart to do an episode about anxiety and from watching Jennifer’s journey I knew she was the right one to talk to.

She loves to podcast, blog, and share on social media, often early in the morning all wrapped up in blankets.  

Follow along at and on Facebook and/or Instagram (her favorite) @jensnewsong .

Her podcast can be found by searching Jen’s New Song on iTunes, Spotify, or through the website.


To Support 

Other Resources:

You Don't Have To Be Perfect by Vanessa Luu

Truth and Tools Workbook and support group.
