Previous Episode: He remembers that we are dust
Next Episode: ; (Pause)

Michael Wolsten

Inside today's podcast, I have with me Michael Wolsten. Michael is a family man through and through. He involves his family in every aspect of his life, and it's beautiful. Michael currently owns a consulting business helping other businesses with their culture. When he's not working or enjoying his family, he likes to run.

Michael, thank you so much for being here! We have so much to cover, so let's dive in.

I've noticed that since the pandemic, you seem to have made some significant life changes. Would you agree with that?
Talk to us about these changes and what brought you to make them.
I love that your biggest goal is to run the race with heart. To help encourage and invest in this generation through any gifts you have been given. So in what ways do you strive to do this?
I know you've recently published a book called Work + Love; the title sounds like the life you've been living. Can you tell us about it?
How can we support you and stay connected to your journey?