Previous Episode: Are We Praying Wrong?
Next Episode: Afraid of Losing in All

If we proclaim to love Jesus, we must look to the Father as Jesus did. We must dedicate our lives to knowing His ways. You won't find God's ways outside of His Word. He wrote them down for our benefit in the Bible so we wouldn't need to wonder.

The whole world won't submit and follow Him, but I still hope and pray that Chrisitans would.

If the world can't see that a noticable difference in how we live, then we aren't doing it right.

Jesus lived differently, and people definitely noticed. The ones who the Father chose for Him believed, followed and were blessed. The ones who rejected Him killed Him to remove the threat He posed on their current way of living.

Dear Christians, if we long to see a better world we must go to the Father, not just for our needs, but to learn His ways and carry them out in Spirit and in Truth. Just image how beautiful it would be.

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