Gluttony is a sin, so I ask myself, am I a glutton? The definition of gluttony is habitual greed or excess in eating. (Definition from Oxford Languages on Google.) By definition of the word, no, but I've wondered, are we a nation of gluttons? Don't we overconsume everything from television, social media, food, and drinks daily? My answer is yes, but is God's answer yes? There are no data charts on what God considers a healthy diet, so we have to use other principles to determine His answer; as I stated before, I've found this to be extremely difficult.

I have a theory that our toxic world may be a result of our sinful living. God had given us dominion over the earth (Genesis 1:26-31), but we've corrupted it. So what do we do?


Other Resources:

You Don't Have To Be Perfect by Vanessa Luu

Truth and Tools Workbook by Vanessa Luu

The Relevant Old Testament by Vanessa Luu

The Wilderness Remains by Vanessa Luu